The “vibes” for 2023.

I went back and forth with myself about whether ‘vibes’ really captures what I’m trying to get at here. Because I think I’m speaking (mostly to myself) about more than just ‘vibes’ but the other words I thought of didn’t resonate.

I’m talking, of course, about my energy, my thoughts, my intentions, my active approach to 2023. And to the future et al. There’s not just one word for what this is, because it’s more than thoughts and more than mere feelings. And I know that intentions mean nothing, if they’re not followed by action.

So perhaps, for now, we’ll settle on ‘the vibes’ and see where it takes us. I know this much: I want to make an impact. I want to be active in this process. I want my future to be molded by me. I want to be the main character of this story. I want everything. And sometimes you have to express that, say it aloud, give it airtime, space, time to figure itself out.

So if it has also taken you until March to get clear about what it is that you want, well, let me tell you this - it’s time to speak it into existence. It’s time to tell yourself that you deserve good things, and your life is your own to play with. Say it loud, say it proud. Write it down or whisper it to the moon. I don’t care, just do it for you.

And because I’m trying to be more out there, more open with who I am and how I feel and the ways in which I’m choosing to live my life, let me share with you the ‘vibes’ for 2023. My hopes, my dreams, my visions for this year and for my future. Maybe it’ll resonate, or spark some ideas for you.

In 2023:

I am focusing on balance, in all areas of my life. I am prioritising self care and gentleness with myself.

I am reading more broadly, for pleasure, for knowledge, for wisdom. I’m connecting with other book lovers and storytellers, making friends who share similar interests.

I am actively pursuing my creative aspirations instead of just dreaming about them. This is the year of doing!

I am embracing my body and my sexuality. I’m evolving beautifully and giving power to my own desires.

I am spending more time with my friends, enjoying wholesome activities with my soul connections. I’m pouring so much love into these relationships.

I am looking after my skin, my hair, my health. I am finding some way to move my body every day. My body is the house I live in, and I am showing her love everyday. 

I am allowing myself to feel all my feelings, no matter how big or small because I have learnt that holding space for myself is sacred. Feelings are always transient, no matter how engulfing they might seem. So feel.

I am exploring my own personal style and experimenting with what feels most ‘me’. I am always embodying confidence as I expressing myself. I am magnetic. 

I’m spending intentional alone time, where I feed my mind, learn a new skill, and let my soul rest properly.

I am travelling to new and exciting places and exploring the world more than I ever have before. There is beauty everywhere. And I am brave and proud of every little thing I am.

Everything is always working out for me and for my greatest good. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. I acknowledge all the sweet and beautiful moments in my daily life, knowing that it’s the little moments savoured that become the big things we remember and adore...


Your Whisper.


The garden of my mind.